"I know Nature speaks to us if we listen. Every animal has a story to tell. Every flower blossoms with reminders, to be creative, and every tree whispers with its rustling leaves the secrets of life.
The more I understand it, the more I understand myself.
What science uncovers about Nature should amaze us and fill us with even greater wonder at the magnificent expression of life in all its varied forms. It should teach us how intricately every aspect of Nature is woven into our own existences.
When we learn to speak with the animals, to listen with animal ears and to see through animals eyes, we experience the phenomena, the power, and the potential of the human essence. They become our teachers, our friends, and our companions. They restore our forgotten childlike wonder at the world, and they reawaken our list belief in magic, dreams and possibilities."
Wondrous Creativity is coming!
"The more you know and value Nature, the more you know and value yourself and all Life," Suzy Farrow, the visionary creator of this Project. We are in the process of designing and planning a beautiful architectural creation to honor and celebrate Nature. It will serve as an educational institute to share with visitors of all ages the value and importance of all that Nature provides us, and our scientific and spiritual connections to it.
One of the possible locations to build The Chapel & Pavilion of Nature is on a pine grove knoll in Cambria, California overlooking the expansive beautiful Pacific Ocean, and on the way to Hearst Castle, but we have several other possibilities so time will tell what is truly to be the "right" place for it. What we do know is it is to be a place of both reverence and celebration of all that Nature's Life shares with us.
Nature created pure and clean waters to support healthy living on Earth...yet most our water sources have become dirty, polluted, and many humans and creatures are struggling with sub-health conditions. You can greatly help us through your contributions to The Chapel Of Nature Foundation on this fundraising website.
Nature created lush forests producing life-giving oxygen to sustain healthy living...yet so many have been plowed down, creating industries and wastelands producing unwanted carbon dioxide and low to no oxygen.
Nature created for us beautiful life enriching blue skies...yet much of our earth has become gray and toxic from multiple sources of pollution, hurting the health and enjoyment of all life forms – all humans – and all of Nature’s creations.
Our wildlife deserve healthy homes
to thrive and play their part in the intricate, exquisite Web of Life
Our wildlife deserve protection
from insensitive development so they feel safe to be their natural gentle and peaceful selves
All of Nature’s Creations deserve
a clean, healthy and safe home to flourish!
"What A Wonderful World This Could Be" by Jackie Evancho
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3600 Harbor Blvd #110-81 Channel Islands Harbor Oxnard, CA 93035
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