Project is going through shifts and changes. Stay tuned!
There's a lot of "heavy-lifting" going on behind the scenes in our efforts to create The Chapel and Pavilion of Nature. But when you are aligned with your purpose and know your mission, somehow you find extraordinary creativity that fuels your strength to keep going!
Every New Day Brings Fabulous Opportunities to bring forth new inspiration, new envisionings, new possibilities for greater fulfillment in the overall mission to create The Chapel and Pavilion of Nature.
Our mission is to educate visitors and participants to the importance and value of the wondrous gifts Nature provides us. For these abundant gifts that makes Life possible, it is now time, more than ever, for more of humanity of all ages to learn how to better respect and care for our Mother Earth. And children's Earth-Friendly programs will be a top priority at the Campus since we want young people to learn how to best protect Nature's beauty and bounties for our future generations.
From movie "The Lion King"
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